So. What does a girl living in Arizona do when she's taken on the task of hosting Easter dinner for 25 and she lives in a house without a patio (also known as one of those shade thingies off the back of your house that provides enough shade to survive in the heat of Az in March) Why, she convinces her FABULOUS husband to make her a tent, out of fabfab, some 2x4's, some buckets, some sand and a LOT of STAKES to hold the whole thing down. A. LOT. OF STAKES.
I hope no one wanted any lime green cotton anytime soon. Here is the 44 yards I had left of it:

And what party would be complete at the Coe house without some fun place cards and napkin rings.

The napkin "rings" are actually FOE in a new dotty color way I will put for sale on my site as soon as is humanly possible. The bee was found for sale by the 4 pack at a local hobby store in the floral department. The nest? Find them here. And the bird pick was by Wilton for cupcakes. I added the names. I intended to turn the M&M's around to conceal the M's, but there are, alas, only so many hours in one day.

I also made some fun vases out of ostrich eggs. Oh. But I need to warn you if you try this - the smell is DISGUSTING when you are cutting the end of the egg off. My darling and dear husband used his dremmel (the shell is THICK my peeps) and it smelled like burning hair with a little rotten egg thrown in. Grode. But it was worth it. And daffodils were on sale. Yip.

My mom let me borrow her bank china - (back in the 70's, the bank gave away place settings when you deposited or opened an account or something like that. I think someone in everyone's family has this pattern) Mr. Coe and I got married unconventionally, and so I never got to register for fine china or a trousseau. So. Borrowed bank china, it is.

The Coe kids were ready to eat some ham!

You can't see and I didn't get a pic :( but my friend Kristy (in the middle, mid-chew) made matching dress and skirt for her darling daughter and herself from fabfab.
And filed under what the hell was I thinking - I had a party for 20 girl scouts at my house on Monday after Easter. Best part?

The tent was still up.